How to Hack Influence in Meetings
A key component to moving up the corporate ladder is influence. Without it you cannot effectively reach the desired results of your career. And while it seems like some have just stumbled upon the success, this too is a skill that you can learn. This course starts with one very often overlooked place of great influence – the meeting.
A key component to moving up the corporate ladder is influence. Without it you cannot effectively reach the desired results of your career. And while it seems like some have just stumbled upon the success, this too is a skill that you can learn. This course starts with one very often overlooked place of great influence – the meeting.
A key component to moving up the corporate ladder is influence. Without it you cannot effectively reach the desired results of your career. And while it seems like some have just stumbled upon the success, this too is a skill that you can learn. This course starts with one very often overlooked place of great influence – the meeting.
Do you ever find yourself…
Frustrated that after all these years you are not where you wanted to be in your career?
Bummed that no matter how hard you try, no one ever seems to recognize you for the work you are putting in?
Angry that other colleagues seem to be promoted ahead of you?
Berating yourself for not being good enough at your job, but yet not really knowing if that is the problem?
Would you rather…
Be armed with a toolkit to help you positively stand out from your colleagues?
Uncover the path to being anointed as a high performer?
Figure out how the first step of being pivotal performer is meetings?
Then this course is for you!
This Course was Designed
with You in Mind
Are you so busy at work actually doing your job, that you struggle to manage the upword mobility? Are you a woman who has held some fantastic roles in the past only to ask yourself is this it? Am I not going to move upward anymore at this company?
A key component to moving up the corporate ladder is influence. Without it you cannot effectively reach the desired results of your career. And while it seems like some have just stumbled upon the success, this too is a skill that you can learn. This course starts with one very often overlooked place of great influence – the meeting.
Yes, the office has meeting after meeting and so many times they feel like a drain on your day to day work, however, the many secrets to creating influence lie in this meeting room. Would you like to learn the tips and tricks to take your meeting game to the next level to set yourself up for gaining influence throughout the company?
This five-week course, running every Thursday from March 14th to April 12th (5 sessions) at 7pm will delve deep into the science behind influence in work meetings. We will arm you with strategies to effectively influence in your day to day meetings, whether in person or virtually and set you on a path to conquer your broader influence journey. For $797, you’ll get:
Five 60-minute sessions of live, virtual instruction
Breakout sessions for delving deep
Interaction through Zoom functionality (including polls, chat responses)
Personal 1-1 to delve deep into an issue that is important to you
We’ll cover…
How to be heard in meetings and make an impact that sets you apart from your colleagues.
Signals in meetings
Channels of influence
Personality and how to work well with each type in a meeting
Making your voice heard in a meeting
Virtual versus in-person
Overview of influence in the workplace and the different signals that you need in your toolbox to be able to be successful.
The core components of communication and how each of this helps to determine your ability to influence during meetings.
How to read the personality in the room and effectively navigate the challenges in the room.
Technical expertise and working with technology. How to effectively communicate with new channels.
Gathering Intelligence
How you go about gathering intelligence prior to the meeting. How do you put systems in place to gather that intelligence and what do you do with it once you have it.
Bringing it all together.
Signals, Personality, and Intelligence offer you insight into how to effectively manage meetings.